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Re: Re: video previews and videotape renting

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Posted by Gem Marchal on January 12, 2001 at 01:26:19:

In Reply to: Re: video previews and videotape renting posted by M. Arthur Auslander on September 26, 2000 at 05:14:56:

I have been in the video rental buisness ten years. I was once told by a distributor sales rep, after asking their boss, that adding to the content of the tape in such a manner that it changes the copywritten portion is in violation of that copywright. However, should additional content be placed on the tape in such a manner as to not change the copywritten material, it is not violating the copywright. The answer to the best of my knowledge...YES, before the FBI warning.
Be advised, I do not practice law nor do I suggest anyone to take what I say as anything more than a topic of conversation.

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